Should economists know their own history >
There’s been a recent fuss in various media arising from a tweet from
economist Ben Golub regarding astonishment that economists haven’t “worked
through” S...
2 days ago
what on earth happened to her jawline? she looks like some rugby league player...
The child is going to be fugly. It's gonna have the most humungous set of lips
a few years back, Esquire magazine had a big interview with her, BEFORE she lured Billy Bob Thornton away from his wife, and Esquire's writer said straight out: she's as mad as a hatter.
(Hatters went mad because they stiffened brims with cyanide or something).
She is a bucket of slutty shit, as are ALL Lurers Of Married Men.
well 'beauty' or 'hotness' has to be more than visual guys (TOm Cruise is barking mad too) - Brad Pitt is obviously a complete neanderthal to those of us who saw the picture of the Prime Minister of Pakistan meeting with him and Ange, as Brad had his feet up on the coffee table.
The Pakistan PM's coffee table. feet up. slouched. it was in The Australian.
Pitt's a prat.
Kitty B - you've brought back some memories of when we lived in Pakistan - quite some years ago - and all you got on TV was official stuff, which invariably was the then President (Zia- before he was offed) and other dignitaries sitting around on chairs. When it came on TV - every blooody night - wifey and I used to call out 'chairs'!
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