So, who's up for a beer?
UPDATE: It's looking definite for Friday week then, unless I get a surge of support for the Saturday. There are several takers, so the night is definitely on.
Dispensing with the US-centric financial system
Quick quiz. Suppose you read a headline in the online version of the Wall
Street Journal (or NY Times etc) stating that, from now on, US Treasury
bonds wou...
1 day ago
Slainch! I'm in.
Cool, together with a couple of email 'most likelys', this ensures I won't be a complete nige.
See ya there crystal!
Bugger. Would love to, but unfortunately am not free that night. Maybe next time.
BTW, I think this meeting up at a pub business is far more appealing than the whole restuarant/bar thing that most grog blog events seem to be. Not that I've actually made it to any of them.
You can count on a pincer movement from cussin' cousins GG and Crystal.
Crystalnacht mark 11. Mothers everywhere, lock up yer doubters.
I'd love to join in especially since I knew the Wesley Anne when it was a Wesleyan church.
Unfortunately my nurses won't let me out after dark these days cos they think that I'm senile! (or can't see in the dark or am prone to drink too well).
Enjoy and perhaps I'll be able to evade the warders for a later function.
Further to my previous comment indicating that we would be in attendance, it is now our melancholy duty to inform you that due to circumstances quite beyond our control (even though we go nowhere without having first donned the cast iron vice regal incontinence nappies) we shall still be attending.
We apologise in advance for this inconvenience and for the shocking anti-social behaviour that will undoubtedly raise its hydra-like heads during the course of an otherwise enjoyable evening.
We are so sorry, but Barnaby Joyce made me do it and then ran away.
Ms Rattus Rattus, far be it for us to sticky our bib in here, but we think we read this somewhere. "I'm thinking Friday the 14th, from about 8pm, at possibly my favourite Melbourne bar the Wesley Anne in Northcote." Brownie and me reckon we'll catch the Ghan across town and be there around 7ish to get an early start to give the stomachs a good lining courtesy of lashings of ginger pop and the never ending cauldron of piping hot tripe in white sauce.
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