I passed through a nadir. As Splatts pointed out, this isn't the first time I've ditched a blog during a tight spot. I will give more explanations as time unfolds (some of you have guessed and emailed), but meantime please keep your links and feeds.
I enjoyed my first foray onto Crikey, and intend to take more shots at the 'old' media, but I'm kidding myself to either (a) blame blogging for any lack of output or (b) think I can last long without this particular incurable addiction.
Hang in here, and after I post my final pain-in-the-butt international relations essay this Friday I promise you consistent lefty-contrarian analysis to complement (and sometimes curdle) your coffee each morning.
With love, apologies, and a double measure of something smooth...
Country jaunt
I was in Seymour yesterday and all the locals were snickering at my hat.
Which I suppose is an important thing about hats. If people can’t snicker
at un...
10 hours ago
Sometimes a bit of predictability can be a good thing :)
I'll pass on the "something smooth"...
Welcome back. We all knew you would be... No one, I repeat, no one, leaves the asylum...
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