That's the news. What more can I say? Any ability I might have had to be the disciplinarian has just gone right out the window. Daddy's little girl will have me wrapped around her little finger, and you know what, I can't wait!
She was healthy and active and a good weight and all that stuff, but frankly if she had two heads (and me being a Tasmanian it was a distinct possibility) I'd still love her to bits and then some.
We celebrated with Bailey's cheesecake and bubbly. Mum had bubbly in moderation. Dad got about 2 bites of the cheesecake.
Country jaunt
I was in Seymour yesterday and all the locals were snickering at my hat.
Which I suppose is an important thing about hats. If people can’t snicker
at un...
13 hours ago
Girls are great! Congratulations.
Cheesecake is out. You need to start training now as if you were going to walk across Australia backwards! You have soooooo much in store (grins knowingly). Heh, heh.
Fantastic! Man, you're going to be exhausted running around after cats and babies and the like. It should be a good kind of exhausted though.
congratulations. of course your partner had to compensate for not drinking much champagne with cheese-cake replacement. that's how it works.
I am glad to hear that she is healthy and active. That is great news.
Give the man a cigar...though anyone would go near the smelly bloody things I'm not too sure.
Cigars, I mean, not babies :)
Seriously, congratulations. May the journey bring you much joy.
woohoo! So excited about that.
Well, GREAT NEWS. In a totally 'it would be great news if it was a boy too' kind of way!
Super news.
I bet she's beautiful, thus she takes after her mum.
Good on ya. You're officially a man.
Oh cripes, I thought she was already born. I didn't anyone announced the results of an ultrasound.
You big soft thing!!!
Start building the high tower with no door and one window and remember to cut her hair short.
Oh how exciting for you!
What a fitting way to celebrate Father's Day.
Congrats mate!
Glad to hear all's well. You do realise, of course, that you and Mao are now outnumbered gender-wise ...?
Bless, PavCat, for not reminding me as soon to be mother of second son about that smell that toilets have when there are many large men living in the house. I think you know what I mean, ladies.
And 'nac of course you should have a lovely father's day. I recommend a sleep in and not looking at what any 14 old girls wear.
Doorbitch is suggesting names - avrael's nice, doncha think?
Too close to Israel, Zoe. He's got to jews something better! What about Mildred?
Zoe, send them outside to the lemon tree. Lemon trees love that smell.
Yes, Happy Father's Day, Armaniac. I think you should ring the changes on tradition and take Mrs 'Gnac (and the Poppette) a gourmet breakfast in bed.
Didn't know you were One of Us. Goodness! Many congrats to the lovely parents-to-be. BTW - if she's half of One of Us, then one head shall suffice nicely!
I was just about to post my own congratulations when our 25 year old came in and demanded the 'pooter. And I had just returned from picking her up at the airport when her arrangements fell through, as a result Mrs VVB and I didn't go into town to watch the fireworks which, for once, we were going to do.
This is a very bad advertisement for having kids. Therefore, just accept our congratulations and enjoy the good times :-)
Congrats armaniac.
Oh my goodness -- CONGRATULATIONS!
You do realise that you will no longer be able to listen to Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" without tearing up from now on...
Congrats... did you get your way on the name?
Thank you all.
Yes, girls' fashion, taste in boyfriends et al already frighten me so by the time poppette hits her teens, or even tweens, I'll no doubt be seeing a shrink or something!
Names, well, I'll keep that one a secret for now but I think we've decided on one we both really like...
Congrats again!
lovely to hear that the three of you are travelling so well. you sound like a wonderful hubby by the way. good onya.
as to's not going to be Suri or Shiloh, is it?
Thanks PK, thank you Gianna, i'm not that great a hubby given I'm only just learning to cook!
No, it won't be suri, nor shiloh- we're pretty traditional on that front!
When my husband found out we were having a girl, he was rather worried (although he denies this strenuously now). He has two brothers and wasn't quite sure how to handle a girl.
Now that we HAVE our have never ever seen a more doting daddy. It is adorable.
You will really enjoy being a Dad. Congrats.
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