Monday, July 24, 2006

Evolution Denied

Cautionary note to contrarian lefties; spend too long in bed with the conservative right and your grip on science will slip. From a short rant by Graham at Harry's:
I reckon that some of the slimey boneless creatures currently infesting the British left evolved from amphibians myself.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we all....?


Don Quixote said...

Good call; very good call.

Armagnac Esq said...

There have been significant advances in cane toad evolution since the libs have got into power.

I leave you to ponder that thought...

Armagnac Esq said...

Worse, we're descended from amphibians!!

Don Quixote said...

"Leftism is a sickness of the mind which intellectual fashionistas proudly display, rather like the way poseurs of an earlier generation thought consumption romantic."

Isn't consumption romantic? I mean, Baz Luhrmann, Nicole Kidman... Gah? *cough cough*