I saw a sale at Kathmandu. I went there and tried on the clothes. I bought 3 long-sleeved tops. One is not even for active wear- a fitted navy merino wool top that will get worn in situations where sartorial effort is noted and expected.
Just 5 years ago this would have been unthinkable. The problem is a single top I bought about 4 years ago, in a sale, on a whim, as a 'backup'. And the problem, really, was that it was so, so comfortable. And resilient. And capable of going running with me, or sitting under a jacket quietly keeping me warm, or allowing my torso to breathe just the right amount as I huffed under a couple of dumbbells on a sweaty bench. And, despite having no pretence to fashionable status, it didn't look half bad either- good colour and cut can take an item of clothing, and its wearer, a long way.
Now I have 3 more. I am a dad, and 40 approaches. 5 years ago I was playing lead guitar in a dirty indie rock band called the Fat Controller. Now I read books about him.
I think I am at peace with this.
Monday Message Board
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6 days ago
Yesterday in a place with the exact temperature of only 7.8 degrees celsius, I saw a girl in the street wearing a short sleeved lace dress, looking lovely - she was pretty and slim.
I had thermals top and bottom, corduroy jeans and a trench-coat, gloves, scarf and hat. As I walked thinking she was so silly, I remembered that I used to be that girl.
She too, will probably be crippled by arthritis when she is 60.
Mountaineeering clothes are so smart for winter in the city - Snowgum shops have brilliantly snuggly socks in great colours.
peace and love dear brandyman.
I was known as 'fleece girl' while at Uni, so, sadly, I cannot blame motherhood for my absence of 'cool'.
My toddler calls the TV remote the 'fat controller'. So cute.
ohh,rooly like this commentary on 'passing over'..
If it's the same Kathmandu merino I bought for daughter, and which I now happily own because daughter is That Girl in Marshall-Stack's comment - the ones with the wee zip at the neck - it's ideal also for bushwalking because it's light to carry but pure wool and therefore has the right thermal properties and is good for layering. And they're tough so you can wear them for both. (Unless you're still into bush bashing, which I don't do much because of the weed/environmental damage issue - I do the sticking to the trails thing these days.)
I mean the Merino has a wee zip at the neck, not the girl.
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