Friday, July 24, 2009

Honesty Time: I am an irritable drunk

Calling all parents, take note. Time to fess up to your negligence, at home and at work.

From this week's Crikey squatter compilation in my inbox:

Nearly all individuals deprived of two- three hours of sleep per night over a week will show impaired brain function with a level of functioning equivalent to a blood alcohol concentration between 0.05-0.08%. Similarly, the majority of people when reduced to an average sleep duration of four hours per night or less will become irritable, subject to emotional outburst and will engage in stereotypical thinking and language.

From Professor Drew Dawson, sleep boffin.




Seeing as you ask, it was 3.5 hours last night, and the night before. A wonderful combination of my insomnia at one end and Mitt-Mitts love of dawn at the other...


Legal Eagle said...

Ooh yeah. The worst is when the kids actually do go to sleep and you can't get off to sleep yourself because you're so hyped after all the effort of getting them to sleep...

iODyne said...


Penthe said...

Writing boring stories used to put me to sleep after junior had finally, finally drifted off after a feed. Also thinking about Laura Ingalls.

Stereotypical thinking, I'm not so sure about, but deeply hostile paranoia about the motives of every single other adult human in the world, after only four hours sleep interrupted at forty minute intervals - definitely.

The Accidental Housewife said...

Dear Armagnac'd
I followed you here from your EB TV comment and felt compelled to write comments on almost all of your posts. I refrained, mostly. However, I am glad I found you. We appear to share similar view on many things and I am looking forward to following you in the future!
I didn't have TV as a kid until I was eleven, and I can distinctly recall the discomfort of having no understanding of the TV based imaginary games played at preschool kinder when I was three. I felt I didn't belong and this continued until I was around 17. Yes good grades, sporty, etc etc, but also lonely and painfully socially underdeveloped. I will not be inflicting this on my children - they need to be able to assimilate into the society they were born into! A rant, sorry! You'll get used it to probably...

Armagny said...

TAH, you shouldn't have held back, I'm here to encourage comments as they make me feel loved (well, at least read, the main thing for a writer of any description I think).

Perhaps it's a privilege of both Beloved and I having reasonable brains and educations but we are both more worried about the kids being happy and fitting in socially than getting exemplary grades or the like. Not that I DON'T care about the effect of TV, and I DO want them to be individuals, so of course it is perennially complex!

james said...

What skewed statistics. What about those of us that spend an extra 3-4 hours every night ensuring we wake with a blood alcohol content of %0.05-%0.08.
Or drink to dawn, shower, and go back to the office to work in the morning. I know I generally perform at an impaired level when I do this more than three times in a row.