I have succumbed to baby-brand-insanity, perhaps it's the effect of the infectious whistle song in my head but I entered a local shop called Twinkle Tots and exited with 2 items of Baby Bjorn.
What's Baby Bjorn you ask? Well you might, if being male like me you are allegedly unable to grapple with the fundaments of early parenthood. Well, it's simple, it's this:

And this:

What do make of that Mark Latham? Is he too poofy metro-male for ya, ya tourette's headcase?
#1 (and only) daughter swore by the Hugabub.
Mind you, to this watcher from the sidelines it seemed you'd probably needed a black belt masters in marcrame and origami, but the proof of the pudding is ...
Just about everything you want for the baby can be bought real cheap from someone who had a similar fit of excitement, and never used it ; )
And you're very naughty in completely misrepresenting Helen like that! Waiting for your review of that DVD, btw.
Mark Latham discussion is an example of why you're missed at your previous employ...
Well done on the new job.
CM, good to hear from you, hope you're keeping well!
Zoe, twas totally tongue in cheek. And as for the vid, well, I really should watch it again and take notes before my detailed and eloquent review hits the stands...
I guessed, after reading your comments about the beer ads on it at Helen's site!
How disappointing, I thought it was going to be a pint-sized one of these to give bub a headstart on Australian Idol 2022.
Mmmmm, beer.
That's a nice dad, Marky Mark can go root himself. See, colourful language isn't dead. Poor mad bugger.
Verification code is TRANGIZ, I suggest you go out and buy a bottle of that before the birth ;-)
Cast iron balcony
Just make sure that you don't let too much beer dribble down the side of the glass/bottle and onto the baby.
All jokes aside, I had a similar baby carrier. MissB didn't seem to mind too much, and if you can turn them around every now and then to look out at the world, it's all good.
You can... you start them facing in and then you turn 'em out after 3 or 4 months I think.
Phil- oh, she'll get music, 2 parents who both loved music and often grumble that they weren't supported enough as fairly musical kids- dad's already singing to her most nights in the womb.
Cast Iron- are you aware that if you choose "other" when you sign in for comment on blogger now, you can leave your site link in the usual blog manner? If you want...
Oh and Lord Sedge- very cute proof, but through sheer laziness I didn't want anything that took much thought or coordination!!
Yet you did "the deed", which from my hazy recollection of 30+ years ago about which I'd have agree. Indeed it wasn't anything which "that took much thought or coordination!!" (Mere lust ... and I couldn't resist what was on offer ... well, to the extent that I thought about it at the time.)
But we woz absolutely happy with the result (and the result of the result) but ...
Did I make myself clear? Thought not!
Hmmm. Methinks you still need a pram fitted with go-faster stripes (maybe a Bundy Rum paint job?) to balance things out :)
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