I think I have taught a Bear to fart on cue.
She was standing in the bath a few days back when a wet ripper split the silence. I of course cracked up laughing, so she chuckled. I then decided applause was called for. She took on a concentrated affect, and lo and behold, another one. More reward conduct from myself of course!
The next eve when I got home Beloved was holding her, and Bear immediately did a wriggle and let out a couple of charges in quick succession. Then yesterday, in the wading section at Northie pool, she immediately squatted down and a series of streams of bubbles (no doubt toxic) came up behind her head.
I am so proud. In fact, as I sat around with the mummies in swim class a few minutes later I bragged about her new skill acquisition lest any of them not understand that my girl is truly advanced.
This type of information is the big news in my life. Perhaps knowing most people aren't sitting around waiting to hear this is the reason I've blogged so sparsely recently.
Next episode may feature burping and saying "ahhh".
Dispensing with the US-centric financial system
Quick quiz. Suppose you read a headline in the online version of the Wall
Street Journal (or NY Times etc) stating that, from now on, US Treasury
bonds wou...
1 day ago
(sorry, had to cull and repost)
cileo said...
Superb effort there Captain Haddock, even as non-breeders, we here at Tesla Towers on Beer Can Hill are mightily impressed.
Although we do have a 20yo+ cattle dawg that leaks profusely and three feline overlords that burp, wee, poo, quietly fart and chuck random furballs without the slightest need for cues.
Y'know Armaniac - the wind will change and she'll get stuck that way.
Gotta love a proud daddy fart story! Farts are an exciting topic of conversation for my 4yo and his friends. Also, poos, wees, goobers and anything else that exits the body. As long as they can gross each other out they're happy.
Glad you're back :)
HRH Princesse Petomane.
(you will of course suffer payback when she marries a footballer)
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